Cyprus Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 2.4 (2000)


List of Abstracts

George Samiotis

A Critical Aanalysis of the Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships as an Instrument for Combating Open Registries

At the beginning of the 1980s, the International community seemed on the whole determined to control effectively the phenomenon of open registries. However, the extent and degree of necessary control differed between countries, as well as groups of countries. In this respect, the Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships (1986) constitutes a synthesis of views and thus a compromise undertaken by UNCTAD. The resulting document was therefore rather vague with respect to the regulations and weak with respect to its expected future effectiveness. Thus the goal of creating a strong genuine link between the state of registration and the ships flying its flag still remains to be achieved and the prospects from the provisions of the above convention are not particularly promising. Of course it is a positive development that the convention marks down officially the problem of registration of ships by institutionalising international rules for solving the problem which nonetheless at the same time receive limited acceptance for the moment from the international maritime community and the interested states.

John Mylonakis

Global Marketing in a Globalizing World Economy

Globalization is a modern manifestation of the process whereby manufacturing and services take on an international character. This phenomenon is connected with the growing number and scale of multinational enterprises, increasing foreign direct investment and the proliferation of all kinds of agreements and strategic alliances between enterprises from different countries. Such arrangements pertain to co-operate in the fields of production, trade, R & D and marketing, as markets in many industries are becoming increasingly integrated worldwide. Global markets are evolving from some products but do not exist for all, as it is generally assumed. Global marketing refers to marketing decisions where the company has extensive international operations throughout the world. The development of a global marketing infrastructure will go along with the pace of the globalizing world economies.

George Vlachos, Emmanuel Nikolaidis

Quality in Shipping and the Impact of ISM Code: Results Derived from applied research on Shipping Enterprises

The implementation of the ISM Code -as a tool of quality- followed a long and quite extensive debate for a long period of time till the final decision was taken for the date of the compulsory implementation. Many members of the International shipping business community expressed -and still express- objections of any kind, but everybody is now facing the new reality, which has been started as part of the shipping practice from July 1998. The research, deals with the analyzing of the effects of the ISM Code on the structure of the market, that is the shipping enterprise and especially the small size ones. The elements will be analyzed refer to management and operational structures through an applied research on a wide range of shipping enterprises all over the world. The conclusions of the paper reflect the market aspect for the new era in shipping and the prospects of applying advanced QA methods in shipping industry. Also, the problems faced from the small size shipping companies, as well as the prospects out of the implementation of ISM Code, are identified.

Vsevolod Levtchitch, George Antoniou and Andreas Andreou

Water Loss and Strengh of Concrete Cured in Natural Cyprus Environment

This study intends to investigate, verify and clarify the effects of Cyprus environmental conditions on the basic properties of concrete. Experimental evaluation and analytical assessment of a water loss of concrete cured under direct sun, under a shed and in a laboratory environment were attempted. Influences of temperature, time and a surface factor were considered. Factual daily temperature fluctuations were recorded. Considerable temperature increase of unprotected concrete subjected to the direct sun was observed. Compressive and tensile strengths and relationship between them were analysed. Analytical estimations of them are proposed. Modified maturity function is found to be an effective means in assessing of young concrete. These findings provide for the quality assurance and additional element of certainty in concrete technology.