
Expected impact of the program on the modernisation of the University


FIT's Program of Study is evaluated every academic Semester by each Department in order to be enriched in terms of technology advances but also to reflect to the needs of the Society, aiming to increase of higher education graduates and decreasing unemployment.

The discovery of natural gas in Cyprus creates huge prospects; economical, political, national and geopolitical Furthermore, Cyprus’s economy will be boosted by investments from Colossal companies from Russia, China, Asia, Europe and America that have shown interest to use Cyprus as their regional centre of support for the greater geographical areas for similar activities to the one of drilling and exploiting natural gas. In the stream of energy technologies and renewable energy sources that would lead to sustainable development FIT is planning to launch new training programmes in the above field offering scientific, technical and professional knowledge and competences, and simultaneously will be characterized by flexibility and adaptability to the rapid changes in employment, economy, the professions and their content. The above programmes will be addressed to high school graduates, in areas not taught at public schools as well as to promote long life learning, Students will obtain the expertise to become active professional technicians in areas such as, management of Natural Gas for home and industrial plants, in welding of plumbing for transport of Gases and industrial constructions, in Industrial and home Automations, in installation and maintenance of photovoltaic and wind turbines, in electromechanical cooling industrial systems and in computer networks and communications systems. These fields of study are considered to be new in the Eastern Mediterranean region and offer significant opportunities for engaging a technical workforce and innovative research activities and learning, formed by local and international technicians and the establishment of multiple collaborations with other academic and research institutions. Furthermore, this will give the opportunity to local and international students to specialize and trained as engineers and to be employed in this rapidly new and growing industry, including stakeholders in the electricity and gas market and they will be able to work for and to co-operate with public and local authorities and the energy regulator and the transmission system operator. This is also the opportunity to make strategic partners through these programmes in the region such as Israel, Lebanon and Egypt, and contribute to the peace in the wider area.

Furthermore, the existing programmes operating under FIT will also be promoted to through European cooperation projects to attract students and staff from abroad that would enrich them with new ideas and practices.

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