Course Accreditation


The course contents are periodically checked as part of a broader internal review procedure implemented on each program of study. This Internal Program Evaluation methodology concerns the following four broad areas: (a) its programs of study and teaching, (b) the research output and the creation of new knowledge, (c) the management of the University and the administrative services and (d) the connection with the society and the social contribution.  

The internal quality system includes the processes and methodologies which (a) define, monitor, analyse and evaluate the quality indicators, (b) identify weaknesses and opportunities for further improvement and (c) apply remedial measures.  The internal quality process is achieved through annual reporting from all parties involved in the operation of the Institute. The internal quality processes concerning the academic staff, the student performance and the programs of study is achieved through student questionnaires and self-evaluation reports. The Internal Quality Committee monitors the implementation of the internal quality process and reports to the Council every two years.  . 

The internal quality reporting process is achieved through a number of report templates and questionnaires. These templates include the Student Course Evaluation (IQC100), Faculty Course Evaluation (IQC101), Program Self Evaluation (IQC104) and the Faculty Activity Report (IQC105). After the end of each academic year, the Coordinator of the Program completes the Program Self Evaluation (IQC104) report which includes quality indicators related to the program (structure, content, etc), the students (assessment, progress, etc), and the graduates (employability, degree grades, duration of studies, etc). This report utilizes also data and information obtained through the Student Course Evaluation (IQC100) questionnaires, the Faculty Course Evaluation report (IQC101), as well as comments and suggestions made by the focus groups (students, graduates and employers).

The suggestions of the Program Self Evaluation and the Internal Quality Committee are reported in the Action Plan of the Institute, which includes also agreed actions and measures that aim in the upgrade and improvement of the Program of Study. The implementation of this action plan is reported in the relevant reports (next academic year quality reports) and is monitored by the Internal Quality Committee of the Institute. 

Program Review:

Changes in the programs of study are decided by the Academic Committee following the suggestions of an ad-hoc Program of the Study Committee for this purpose. This committee is chaired by the Program Coordinator, while the students are represented with one of the Program’s students. For the revision of the Program the committee considers (a) the findings and suggestions from the Program Self-Evaluation Report, including suggestions of the students, the academics and the focus groups (students, graduates and employers), (b) the current developments in the fields related to the Program, (c) suggestions from the Internal Quality Committee, the external evaluation teams and professional bodies.

The revision of the Program can include the revision of the courses of the program and/or the revision of the structure of the Program. 

(a) Course Review:

The revision of courses aims to update/upgrade the courses of the Program. This revision might refer to:

  1. Update of the content and the learning outcomes of the course. Changes in the content of the course must be in accordance with the set learning outcomes, the number of ECTS and the student’s workload. If this revision requires significant changes, then these changes must be considered as a program revision and the relevant procedures must be followed.
  2. Change in the prerequisites of the course.
  3. Update of the bibliography of the course.
  4. Introduction of new teaching methods.
  5. Changes in the assessment methods, criteria and weights.

The revision of the courses is decided by the Program of Study Committee before the beginning of the new academic year, while the Academic Committee, the Internal Quality Committee and the Council are notified.  

(b) Course Structure Review:

The revision of the Program structure may refer to:

  1. Significant changes in the content of the courses of the Program.
  2. Changes in the learning outcomes of the Program.
  3. Significant changes in the semester allocation of course and/or course prerequisites.
  4. Changes in the number of ECTS and the teaching time of courses.
  5. Introduction of new courses and removal of existing ones.
  6. Changes in the type (compulsory, elective, etc) and the level of courses.

The review of the structure of the Program is decided by the Program of Study Committee before the beginning of the new academic year, while the Academic Committee, the Internal Quality Committee and the Council are notified.In the case that the review of the Program requires significant restructuring of the Program (e.g. add new courses and remove existing ones, etc), the changes are submitted to the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) for approval.

Saturday the 27th.

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